By Todd Balf
Driven by the love of rivers, the outdoors and extreme adventure, these river runners are akin to climbers who attempt Mt. Everest with their willingness to push the boundaries between the human body and nature. To simplify this interesting sport, river running consists of people in small boats or kayaks taking on rapids and falls as a climber would take on a mountain or cliff.
This is easier shown than written so I am including a link to a video clip from the Tsangpo River. While this video clip is not from the expedition explored in this book, it is the best way to understand what this extreme sport consists of and how intense, mysterious and beautiful the Tsangpo Gorge in Tibet really is.
If that did not impress upon you the power of the Tsangpo and the intense challenge this river was to run, then nothing will! If you like outdoors or survival stories this is a great story with an unfortunate but thought provoking story line. In the end it left me thinking about the challenge to live life fully - to do what you believe are the most valuable things you can do with your time on earth regardless of anyone else's opinion or interpretation of what you have chosen!
I can't help but think of some of my favorite words from a hero of mine Indian Larry:
Carpe diem!
Book 26