I love to read. My sister tells her friends I am a reading enthusiast. When they look a bit puzzled she says, "She reads at least 52 books a year!" I read because I search to see humanity from all different angles, myself and those I love included. I am constantly interested in what it means to be human, all the broad spectrum of good across the landscape to the horrific depths of human suffering. I can't seem to shake from myself this fascination with all the earth encompasses simultaneously: Miss
What does it all mean? Why are we here? What does it mean to be human? What does it mean for me to be human? How different are we really from one another? And yet, how amazing is it that we can accomplish anything with the diversity of human experience on this planet!
The last two years I have had a goal to read 52 books. The first year, 2007, I hit my mark exactly reading 52 books in 1 year. This past year, 2008, I am almost embarrassed to report that I read 72 books. One major difference between the two years was that I did start reading fiction again in 2008, prior to that I went through about three years of non-fiction only.
I keep a log of the books for tracking my goal. At the end of each year, I enjoyed sharing the books I have read with my friends and family. I think they find it interesting. Usually a few people ask me each year what the highlights were. I cater my answer to what I know they like - if its my Dad I will pick a few good history books I read if it is my Uncle Bill I will choose some great book about life on the outer edges - musicians, circus performers, and other freaks. And if its Jimmy, forget it! I will keep my mouth shut because he will never read a book that I have already read.
This blog was Jimmy's idea and inspired by him. He named it based on a technical phrase that means you have access to a document you can read but not alter. His thought was since I am writing them down anyway, I may as well say something about the book and what I thought of it. At least for my own record, to remember specifics about the books I read instead of just a list. I think it will also help others pick and choose what, if anything, I read they may enjoy.
If I am given a book or if the book was recommended by someone I will put that information for my own reference.
Finally, I have one personal note. My grandfather Carlsen, was a big reader. My memories of him were him sitting quietly in his big black chair reading. He gave people books as gifts and often talked about books he was reading. My father is a big reader. He would probably exceed my 52 books a year if he had the time and if his reading wasn't sometimes interpreted as an escape. I grew up with him reading books out loud to us as young kids. When I got older and read on my own he and I would always discuss what we were reading - what we thought about it, how it challenged us. He has an amazing capacity to remember books, even ones he read years and years ago. I do not have that gift. I have many memories of our family on vacation and after everyone else went to bed he and I crammed in a hotel bathroom reading into the wee hours of the night. My whole family has always read together, Lara being the biggest exception. When she was younger it didn't hold the same interest as it did everyone else although I know she reads plenty now. She is the only one in the family, that I know of, is in a book club!
Hi Heather,
ReplyDeleteThanks for inviting me to your blog. I think this is a fun idea.
I looked through your amazing list of books and discovered that I've only read one of them. Can you guess which one? :)
I'm currently reading 'Predictably Irrational' by Dan Ariely, which is an interesting book about human behavior.
take care,
Heather, I love this and am amazed at all you have read! Reading what you have written, too you are as much a writer as a reader!! I'm totally and thoroughly impressed. :)