You know life is weird when Princess Leah is a bi-polar drunk! How can she fight off Jabba the Hutt if she is stoned out of her gourd? Anyway, this is all explored and answered in Carrie Fisher's book. It is a quick, easy read which should actually be read out loud. It is the written form of a one woman act she does on Broadway, of the same name. A comedy, if you can believe that! A very interesting story of her wild life growing up rich and having famous parents and yet the same old story of addiction and mental illness. She makes it pretty funny.
Interesting note. I read this book on my way to AASLD - our annual liver disease meeting. I read it on the flight there. My nurse Jana was in a session on alcoholic liver disease and said the speaker told everyone to go buy the book. He said its an easy read and a good reminder of what our patients are going through!
Book 51
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