Amazing survival story. Not as well written (by a long shot) as Unbroken but a good story in and of itself. Amazing what the human spirit can endure. Ingenuity served Dieter well as he utilizes his survival skills from World War II in an entirely different war in Vietnam.
"The overriding rule seemed to be that Amarican pilots "couldn't shoot anyone unless they wee shot first." What the hell kind of war is that? If the other guy is a good shot, you're dead. Under such rules, the United States would 'still be fighting World War II.'" Pg 63
"Dieter saw stars, then passed out. He came to when water was thrown in his face. They beat him again until he passed out and again brought him back for more punishment. He lapsed into and out of unconsciousness." Page 143
"After being untied, Dieter used a twig to scratch into the dirt the outline of an aircraft with questionable aerodynamics. His creation had nine propellers: four engines on the right wing and five on the left."
Protests, no matter how small, were an important part of capture.
My only caution with this book is a distracting use of quotation marks by the author.
By Bruce Henderson
Book 21
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