Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Iron Fey Series

By Julie Kagawa

The Iron Fey series
(The Iron King, The Iron Daughter and The Iron Queen)

I couldn't put this series down, although it is hard to pinpoint exactly why. The world was creative, unique and because of this compelling. The characters were fairly flat, with not much complexity and quite predictable across the series. However, I thought the discovery of the main characters gift was done very well. The process unfolded in a way that worked well for the story. As with most series, sometimes there was a bit of inconsistency with the powers and what and when they used them. The traditional YA romance formula was employed and didn't waver much throughout the series. Although, I have not read the last one which inevitably must change this up a bit so we will see.

"Because science is all about proving theories and understanding the universe. Science folds everything into neat, logical, well-explained packages. The fey are magical, capricious, illogical, and unexplainable. Science cannot prove the existence of fairies, so naturally, we do not exist. That type of non belief is fatal to fairies." Iron King, Page 177

"'I am a cat,' Grimalkin replied, as if that explained anything." Iron King, Pg 178

"'Grim, wait. Are you sure you'll be alright?'
Grimalkin smiled. 'I am a cat.'"
Iron Queen, Page 291

Books 32 - 34

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