Sunday, October 5, 2014

Scientific Underpinnings of Agartha

Scientific Underpinnings of Agartha

Water became a valuable commodity, having moved from being free when water was in sure supply to being a scarce resource. Once water had a price, there were controls to try and provide equity in water distribution. But in a way only humans can do, that was an ideal which was unattainable, in fact the disparity between those with and without would become the single greatest disparity in human history. Unlike gas or oil or yachts, water is a human necessity.

What is the logical next step? Create a way to sufficiently hydrate without water. Alter the human body to regulate with less water. Find a way to create synthetic water. Create a planet that has less people to ease the issue of scarcity.

By the time the problem got to Clementine it was a mess, there became five solutions being advocated and this issue eclipsed any other political issue. All the politicians had to take a stand and they did so with passion, conviction and a kind of desperate vehemism. It was about saving the world, right?

Impact on the earth was that humans were made priority for hydration over animals, plants, the earth itself. Humans became gluttons for water. The earth dried up, water sources for beauty or pleasure were abandoned, even the ocean was found to be of use. But the price we paid for it was dear.

Politicians clamored, national patriotism became irrelevant, race became inconsequential, what mattered was your belief and devotion to the water solution. It became the central focus of everyone, despite there being very few who actually understood the problem and even fewer who publicly admitted that the five solutions that the people were rallying around were all insufficient.

The world was ready for Clementine.

Her rise to power was based on the scientific facts that she eventually enlightened the world on. She took each of the five solutions and neatly, categorically and permanently debunked them. Five in a row. As each fell the world was putty in her hands. Looking to her, the genius, the wise sage, the newly created President of the World, a world now renamed Agartha. Her credentials were never questioned (she had none). Her motives were never explored (she had many, none altruistic). And then she presented the True Solution. And her solution was never debated. Just implemented.

The experiments began with this little “cycle of solutions.” Huge labs called Enduring Research Medical Institutions were built. The first protocols were developed based on these four truths. The priority was given to diminishing human population and altering humans to maximize hydration through implants that worked synergistically with the kidney, the human fluid balancer. The first ones were crude, thousands of prototypes were developed, the currency for propelling the experiments forward was the human life. Sacrifices. The greater good. With a golden chariot and trumpets blaring - for the salvation of the human race. Who can argue with that? The one in many.  Which became hundreds of thousands for the decreasing majority solidified as those in power.

The haves and have nots. The COrE and the rest of them. The poor, dehydrated masses, unable to contribute adequately to the cause. They procreate without concern for the crisis. So their children are taken, a draft of sorts implemented. First in the masses. Then classes emerge in the CoRE itself and only the elite are spared. The elite who plan on catapulting humans into the future. They have a handful of back up plans for them and them only. Abandoning the earth to an alternate place (yet to be determined). Slow starvation, dehydration, and basically the squeezing out of all life for the masses, and when the last one takes their final breath the elite will emerge. Healthy, happy, mentally balanced, fully functioning kidneys, ALIVE and ready to repopulate and rejuvenate the earth (implausible). Or actually finding a cure to the human ails and beginning the rebuild of life on earth (not probable given the present success rate of the experiments).

The experiments started with the kidneys. The kidneys being the key to fluid balance.

Eventually, many many lives later, they developed the hydroplant, an imperfect solution but one that could work in the interim. For those in the COrE these were as ubiquitous as clothing, everyone had them as a matter of course. You didn’t really think about them, they just did their job without much tinkering. No 3-year tune up required. Regardless of the clumsy success of the implants, a large portion of the greater experiment budget and resources continued to be used to improve the implants. Those experiments continue to this day. They couldn’t protect you indefinitely without any water, they worked best for those in the CoRE who had access to water with some regularity.

The next set of experiments emerged as the crisis in the world became more acute. Squalor, shanty towns, starvation, the have nots were really taking a beating. So their children were first. They were going to die anyway. It was the only ethical thing to do. In this way, the cutting edge experiments were begun. The scientific community grew large, they grew open minded, they were creative. Boy were they creative.

  • Find the genetic code for efficient hydration and replicate it. Or mutate the gene and see the effects.
  • There are a few parasites that can actually excrete hydrates in their feces. These should be tested.
  • What if we amputated both legs, how would that impact hydration needs?
  • Viruses typically consists of a nucleic acid molecule in a protein coat, microscopic and makes copies of itself in the cells of the host. Viruses are parasites. A certain type of virus quasi-spherical viruses, can theoretically be introduced to the human body and the antibody made could be the crucial link we are looking for.
  • Mitochondria (energy centers of the cell) transplants could be expanded from just fertility based issues and applied to all different kinds of undesirable characteristics

Creative experiments began and expanded and contracted with the time and resources available. Everyone did their time. Hundreds of thousands of subjects were utilized. Many of them were used twice, usually first for a hydroplant experiment, perceived by the public as harmless, and then on to a true experiment - one that had no reasonable hypothesis but the line of inquiry was too tantalizing to not pursue. And as creative and cruel as the human mind can be so were the nature of these experiments.

From this “solution” came a number of unexpected consequences. There became a crisis for how to dispose of human bodies. The nobel prize winner in the year 2067 came up with the InsineratorX5-4000. The problem was solved. There were a few viruses that escaped the labs and infiltrated the masses. One virus killed 467,300 people within a two year period. Eventually they created a vaccine and celebrated it as a great success. With another, they were not so lucky. It was a sneaky virus, only replicating in a certain type of host, host characteristics were unknown. This virus surprised them with its skill and cunning and to this date no cure has been found. Unfortunately, it assures the destruction of the human race is now a certainty. The host characteristics were discovered in 2084. Now the scientists are focused on how to weed out these host characteristics out of the human genome. A promising solution lies in mitochondria, the energy centers of the cells. The hypothesis is that a mitochondrial transplant could be used to replace the bad cells with the cure cells. The mitochondria experiments have been underway for over 20 years but they have yet to find the gold standard: the cure cells. Once they find those they will have this one licked.

Early in the experiments they discovered they could use xenon gas to essentially wipe away memories. This process seemed to work even better in children. This became an SOP used by the Ministry in hopes of containing the truth about the experiments and the extent of the suffering the children underwent. Like anything else humans do, this idea when implemented fully operated in the extreme. Why stop at the children? The Ministry wanted to contain the masses and quell their restlessness with myndESC holograms. But some ripples of reality underneath these facades, some started to “not believe” and they, of course, had to be dealt with. These dissidents were experimented on with higher doses of xenon gas and hundreds of other compounds aiming to strip humans of their memories. If you can’t remember, how can you rise up?

The Institutes became competitive, racing to the “panel” that solves the problem. So the Ministry allows and encourages physicians to rule Agartha if they solve either the water crisis or the viral anomolies.

During this time period, "hybrid humans" were created in genetic facilities with the belief that physicians can manipulate the genes elegantly to create a new human. One that resists drought and illness- these are the Addonexus, or what the Addonexus strive to be.

“The kidneys thus play a key role in regulating fluid balance. As discussed later, the kidneys function more efficiently in the presence of an abundant water supply. If the kidneys economize on water, producing a more concentrated urine, these is a greater cost in energy and more wear on their tissues. This is especially likely to occur when the kidneys are under stress, for example when the diet contains excessive amounts of salt or toxic substances that need to be eliminated. Consequently, drinking enough water helps protect this vital organ.”

Side effects of dehydration: PHysical performance, cognitive performance, delirium, GI function, kidney function, heart function and hemodynamic response, headache and skin dryness

Potential for Human Engineering
Human consumption is based on weight and size - engineer humans to be smaller.

Virus as a parasite.

Sea water for drinking

Mitochondrial DNA

2014 map of “hot spots” for world water conflicts

PTSD sufferers can have their memories erased to help them cope

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