Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Seal Team Six

Memoirs of an Elite Navy SEAL Sniper 

By: Howard E. Wasdin, Stephen Templin 

This is the story about Howard Wasdin's experience becoming a Navy SEAL and then becoming a part of Seal Team Six. The story ends up in Mogadishu in the battle which was made famous in the book "Black Hawk Down." Wasdin was a sniper in that battle and tells the story from his perspective. 

But the book is about more than just this battle, it really is about what it takes to be a SEAL and the strength one must have, physical and mental, to become one of these elite fighters. Wasdin's story is fascinating, from where he started out in life to where he ended up. He tells his tale with raw, straight forward language as if he is sitting in the room telling you about his life. This is a great read and an inspiring story!

Book 23

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